Monday, March 3, 2008

Andy Warhol - Campbell's Soup

I really like this image, i think it explains in some way what Andy Warhol is really like. In this picture i feel he questions what art really is and also the fact with his own personal quote "I like boring things". The can of soup in some ways is probably thought of as boring thing and that goes along with his quote. Andy lived in his own surreal world and was probably an everyday person, just did what he felt he wanted to do. I like the simplicity of this picture and it and a very bold statement that art wasn't just for the rich but also for the everyday people like himself.


Anonymous said...

well done...excellent thoughts on the significance of the cambells soup can

Anonymous said...

please don't forget to include your collages and exquisite corpse and reflections. If you have done this in your diary hand this in also