Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"My own Warhol"

This is my own personal attempt of creating a pop art piece of work similar t the ones of Andy Warhol. The person i decided to use in the picture was Bono because he is a great idol to many and is very characteristic. He has worked on many things including live aid. Bono is also a great singer and has created some amazing songs that mean a lot to many people all over the world.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

'My choice collage'

This collage was not necessarily to represent something although i still really like it. I adore the background and this it is very gracefully looking, seeming i went though quite a few background's to finally decide on one i think that i have made the right decision in the end. The crane hanging with people in it is he focal point of this piece of work. By adding more people into the crane basket i was tyring to point out that we are all one person because there are both white and black people there together.

'Social Issue'

This was another one of my favourite collages, although i like all of them. I this the city with a fire behind it really represents global warming and also the fact that the dark city is sitting behind a white, snowy mountain represents it well. The focal point of this collage is the boy sitting on top of the houses looking out of the houses in font of him. He looks confused and scared which is a good mood/emotion for him to be in because that is how many people feel about global warming.

'Dream Collage'

This collage was one of my favourites and was a 'dream' collage. Almost everyone has a dream of being famous so that's what dream i decided to make a collage of, i like the colours i used and the representation of pictures. The focal point of this collage would have to big the person through the middle of that page, it represents how being famous probably makes you feel like your on top of the world. Saying that, it also incorporates the background i decided to use which was a fores because Even though a forest is quiet and a place to hide, if your famous you will still almost always be found and people will know where you are.

Personal Exquisite Corpse

This is my exquisite corpse, i think that it was well thought through and very different. I really like the bright colours of the shirt. Also because i really love the Beach i used the body of someone at the beach. I think that using a clock as the head of my exquisite corpse was a good representation of what time we have left and how short life really is. I think for my first exquisite corpse it was really good and i like how it turned out.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Andy Warhol - Campbell's Soup

I really like this image, i think it explains in some way what Andy Warhol is really like. In this picture i feel he questions what art really is and also the fact with his own personal quote "I like boring things". The can of soup in some ways is probably thought of as boring thing and that goes along with his quote. Andy lived in his own surreal world and was probably an everyday person, just did what he felt he wanted to do. I like the simplicity of this picture and it and a very bold statement that art wasn't just for the rich but also for the everyday people like himself.

Andy Warhol - Photo Booth

This is one of my 'photo booth' photo's with Cassie and myself. It is an Andy Warhol style picture where you simply take a picture and it edits the photo for you, then you can chose the colours you like and it makes the 4 pictures into one. I think this style is very cool and i really like the interesting colours it changes to. I had some really fun experiences at the Andy Warhol gallery and found some of his pieces of work really interesting and amazing.

Andy Warhol - Camouflage

I like this self portrait of Andy Warhol, i think the camouflage which just happens to be in fluro colours to stand out really reflects his personality as he was always hidden in the background of art although whenever he made a piece of work It always stood out and was very different to most different artwork pieces. My personal opnion on Andy Warhole is that he always ends up comming out with amazing peices of work and they are almost always different. Andy Warhol, i think, lived in a very amazing world, one of his own imagination. Andy probably had little friendships as he was usually working on crazy ways to get himself out of the public and media.